Body Sculpting FAQs
How does non-invasive body contouring work?
Get the answers to some of the most common body contouring questions below.
Ultrasonic Cavitation FAQ's:
Can I lose weight with Ultrasound Cavitation?
Ultrasonic Cavitation is not a method of weight loss. It is designed to reshape and sculpt the body and remove localized stubborn fat or cellulite. Ultrasonic Cavitation treatments work best when combined with a low fat and low carbohydrate diet and regular exercise and these will help you to lose weight.
How many treatments can I have?
The results of Ultrasonic Cavitation will be different for people based on their age, weight, etc. Results are usually visible immediately. However, for best results, a course of 6-10 treatments is recommended over 4-5 weeks, with up to 2 treatments per week.
How soon can I see a result of cavitation?
Most clients will see a noticeable reduction in their measurements after the very first treatment! The fat removal process continues for up to 3 days after each treatment, so it isn’t unusual to see a further reduction a day or two after the initial treatment.
Is the fat reduction permanent?
Yes, the fat cells are fractured, broken down and the cells are drained away through the liver and passed as waste from the body.
How long is a treatment?
The service generally including consultation and measurement, you can expect between 45 minutes to an hour and 15 minutes.
How long should I wait after childbirth to have cavitation treatments?
You must wait a minimum of 3 months after normal birth of your baby or a minimum of 6 months after C section. It is best to get GP approval post childbirth prior to commencing Ultrasonic Cavitation.
What to expect after an Ultrasonic Cavitation treatment
Ultrasonic Cavitation is a non-invasive treatment that requires no downtime. Clients will be able to return to normal activities immediately after the treatment and strongly advise you to increase your water intake to at least a half gallon a day to help with the fat removal.
Can I have cavitation during my period?
Ultrasound increases blood flow and you would feel uncomfortable.
Is there an age limit?
Yes, it is our policy to not provide this service to anyone under the age of 18.
Can I have more than one area treated?
Following the treatment, the body has to work to remove the excess fat that is now passing through the lymphatic system to the liver. For this reason, treating multiple areas is not recomended and may not be effective. There is the rule of no more than 30 minutes of Ultrasonic Cavitation every 72 hours. Those 30 minutes however, can be split between opposite sides of the body, i.e. 15 minutes on the left thigh and 15 minutes on the right thigh.
What if the client doesn’t see results straight away?
It is important to remember that everyone is different, and a person’s body will work according to their unique metabolism. Expect to see a reduction during a course of treatments, which is why we recommend a course of 6 or more sessions to get great results.
What can I do at home to help with treatments?
Drink plenty of water and avoid alcohol after your service. Try and increase your heart rate by taking some exercise for the best results, even by doing some household chores, and avoid too many carbohydrates.
Radio-Frequency Treatment FAQs:
What is a Radiofrequency Treatment?
Radio Frequency skin tightening is a non-surgical aesthetic technique that uses RF energy to heat tissue. The heat generated stimulates sub-dermal collagen production to reduce the appearance of fine lines and tighten loose skin.
How It Works?
Radio Frequency has emerged as a popular non-invasive treatment option for reducing the appearance of fine lines and loose skin. Its principle relies on using RF energy to heat the skin to a precise temperature for a specific amount of time to stimulate collagen and elastin production, thereby tightening the skin.
How Long Do the Results of Radiofrequency (RF) Treatments Last?
Results of radiofrequency (RF) treatments can last up to 6 months.
Do Radiofrequency (RF) Treatments Hurt?
No - Radiofrequency (RF) treatments are non-ablative and therefore do not cause pain. A tingling sensation may occur.
What are the benefits?
stimulate healthy collagen and elastin synthesis by fibroblasts/collagen cells (skin firming and elasticity)
stimulate fibroblast proliferation (more collagen cells)
contract existing collagen fibers (skin tightening)
contracts skin pores (“open” pore reduction)
blood circulation (anti-aging/skin rejuvenation, cellulite reduction)
contracting sebaceous glands (acne reduction/prevention)
releasing fat from adipocytes (cellulite reduction)
stimulate adipocyte apoptosis/fatless fat cell reduction (cellulite reduction)
Lymphatic Drainage Treatment FAQ's:
What is a Lymphatic Drainage Treatment?
Lymphatic Compression Massage is a well-researched and proven massage technique used to help break down and discharge fat, toxins, waste, and excess fluids from the body. The compression suit stimulates your lymph system, moving and suspending toxins within your body, and helps you to sweat out those toxins.
How it works?
Lymphatic Compression Massage also known as “Pressotherapy” and “Pneumatic Compression Therapy”
The compression suit equipment consists of a central controller unit, along with two leg cuffs, an arm sleeve, and a torso wrap, which make up “The Suit”. The central unit is responsible for pumping air into the suit, which creates pressure and massages the body, through squeezing in intervals and by section -- starting at your feet or hands, the suit inflates intermittently to mimic natural blood flow. These repeated intervals not only stimulate blood flow but also stimulate the lymphatic system and encourage lymphatic drainage.
What are the benefits?
Body Slimming
Immune stimulation
Helps fight off infection
Cellular rejuvenation
Promotes healing
Improves circulation
Calms nervous system
Improves skin tone
LPG Endermologie Treatment FAQ's:
What is a Endermologie Treatment?
The ROLL heads, specifically developed for slimming the body and face, stimulate the skin using the rollers’ movements combined with vertical suction.
Movement of the rollers on the skin naturally stimulates the adipocytes, which regulate fat storage in our body. Even with a perfectly-healthy lifestyle, their activity tends to slow down, causing excess of volume and cellulite.
Technology allows for a doubled firming action, thanks to a sequential suction that is twice as effective.
What are the benefits?
stimulate healthy collagen and elastin synthesis by fibroblasts/collagen cells (skin firming and elasticity)
contract existing collagen fibers (skin tightening)
blood circulation (anti-aging/skin rejuvenation, cellulite reduction)
releasing fat from adipocytes (cellulite reduction)
stimulate adipocyte apoptosis/fatless fat cell reduction (cellulite reduction